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Joint Emergency Evacuation Training

The Emergency Services gather at the Command Post (C.O.P.I.) at an abandon site in Simpsonbay.
SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (Monday August 26, 2019) Following the
collaborative efforts of several local emergency services, a cooperative emergency
evacuation training was demonstrated at the Cargo Building of the Princess Juliana
International Airport (SXM) on Monday August 26th, 2019. The training was executed
without any road closures, between the hours of 08:50 a.m. through 10.05 a.m.
The emergency services represented during this training were the SXM Airport’s
Rescue and Firefighting (R&FF), SXM Airport’s Security, SXM Airport’s Operations,
SXM Airport’s Quality Assurance and Safety, Island Fire department, Ambulance
department and the Police Force of Sint Maarten.
The teams engaged in dual scenarios during the training, whereby a bomb threat was
planted at the Cargo Building and the leakage of deadly gas also posed a threat,
resulting in several casualties.
The staged disaster was managed off-site by the Command Post (C.O.P. I). The
collective findings which were forwarded to the C.O.P.I. from the emergency services
were then forwarded to the Police Force of Sint Maarten. During an actual emergency,
the collective findings will be sent to the Emergency Operations Center of the
Government of St. Maarten (E.O.C.).
“The main objective of this training was to create a real-life situation which brings all
emergency services together, to put their training into practice in the event of a large-scale
emergency or difficult situation. The emergency evacuation training also elevates
the communication and working collaboration between all entities to a much higher
level. It is necessary to work on those areas where improvement is critical,” declared
Police Spokesman, Ricardo Henson.
The training was deemed a success and all emergency service representatives were
pleased to partake in the joint exercise.