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PJIAE Reconstruction Works Start.
After finalizing the design and planning phase, the specialized mold cleanup and waste disposal preworks will begin on November 16th, 2020.

(SXM Airport PJIAE’s project reconstruction team holding an important kick-off meeting.)
On Monday November 9th, 2020 PJIAE’s project reconstruction team held an important kick-off meeting together with the main contractor; AAR Inc., and Sint Maarten based sub-contractors; Tidal Wave and All Caribbean. During the meeting it was concluded that the Mold Remediation, Surface Decontamination and Waste Disposal works at the airport’s former check-in hall will officially start on Monday November 16th, 2020. It is envisaged that the pre-works will be completed in April 2021, followed by the Reconstruction of the Terminal Building. The pre-works includes the degutting of the interior of the building and removal of all contaminated materials that are not reusable anymore.
“It is expected to be a very successful project and I’m happy to see the turn out of the kick-off meeting for the Mold Remediation and Waste Disposal works. I’m also elated to witness the collaboration from the Sint Maarten based local subcontractor Tidal Wave, as they are prepared to provide the massive workforce, and of All Caribbean, which will be executing the Waste Disposal for this major undertaking, said PJIAEs Project Director Mirto Breell”
The oversight and supervision of the remediation works, including sampling and testing of the completed work areas will be conducted by Farmer Environmental Group, a partner of PJIAE, that did the initial remediation works back in 2018, for the current operational floor space.
To keep all workers, PJIAE staff and the airport community safe, PJIAEs Project Coordinator Damien Schmidt will conduct an extensive training session on the COVID-19 safety measures and the Airport Construction Safety Procedures.
The coming year 2021, is an important one for PJIAE with the awarding of the Terminal Reconstruction contract. This will mark the start of the construction phase planned for May 2021. The invitation for this tender was published last month (October 26th, 2020).
For more information on this go to and search under construction, Project - Package 2 - Reconstruction of the Terminal Building (P2.)