Grievance Form

Grievance Redress Mechanism
The PJIAE recognizes the importance of open and transparent engagement with its project stakeholders to improve environmental and social sustainability, enhance project acceptance, and make a significant contribution to successful project design and implementation. Stakeholder engagement is an inclusive process conducted throughout the life of the project a part of which is a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) whereby stakeholders and citizens can raise any concerns, including COVID-19 work related matters, to the attention of the PJIAE by drop box, e-mail or online submission. The GRM will address all these complaints within a reasonable time, treat all submission confidentially, protect against retaliation and allow for escalation of complaints if not resolved by the process and should be reported to the NRPB’s GRM.
Project Stakeholders
Local Community
Project Workers
Complaint Submission Options
Drop Box*
*The dropbox is located in the Airport’s Check-in Hall.
Print or digitally complete our Stakeholder Complaint Form for return via drop box or email submission.
Grievance Redress Mechanism